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I Turned 50… here’s what I’ve learned


I turned FIFTY in November and let me tell you- I’ve learned some things. I wanted to put togther a list of 50 short and sweet words of advice that are tried, true, and have made me the woman I am today. My forties were so transformative and I stand here today diving into my fifties 100% confident in who I am. In what I believe in. In how I love. In how I mother. I trust myself more than ever and I couldn’t imagine changing the 50 years that built me.


  1. Always choose positive direction.
  2. Cut your hair off when you want to- it’ll grow back.
  3. Go all in with love every time- even If it doesn’t work out in the end.
  4. Floss your teeth.
  5. Stop counting calories all the time.
  6. Sit up straight.
  7. Don’t stay out after 1 o’clock because nothing’s open except bars, legs and the ER.
  8. Call your mother.
  9. Call your father.
  10. Live for today- tomorrow is not promised.
  11. Money can buy happiness if spent wisely.
  12. Eat the cake.
  13. Wear sunscreen.
  14. Learn to cook.
  15. Listen more than you speak.
  16. The only person you compete with is yourself.
  17. Trust Jesus.
  18. Smile at strangers.
  19. Work life balance is a real thing.
  20. Breathe deeply.
  21. Never lie.
  22. Win fairly.
  23. Never stop dating your partner.
  24. Study hard.
  25. Own a dog.
  26. Wear the Wonder Woman underwear if you want even as an adult.
  27. Never let gas tank get below 1/4.
  28. Go watch the fireworks.
  29. Never stop believing in Santa.
  30. Do a cartwheel even in front of people (bonus points if it’s down a hotel hallway).
  31. If you’re on time, you’re late.
  32. Find the good in everyone.
  33. Raise your children so that they are who they should be, not who you want them to be.
  34. What you do today affects your future.
  35. Travel the world.
  36. Change happens right on the other side of discomfort.
  37. It’s five o’clock somewhere.
  38. At the first sign of a bad relationship break it off.
  39. Attend a military deployment ceremony to say farewell to our troops.
  40. Attend a military welcome home ceremony to celebrate our troops.
  41. Vote for who you believe in not what others tell you to do.
  42. TAKE THE RISKS- as long as you calculate the possible outcomes and are okay with them.
  43. Stop spending money on stupid shit.
  44. Save up as much money as you can and buy your first home at your first opportunity.
  45. Always have an emergency change of clothes in the car, they will come in more in handy than you ever expect.
  46. I always carry a Band-Aid if you don’t need one someone else will and you will be a lifesaver.
  47. No matter how hard you love- you will never love anyone as much as you do your own children.
  48. Always surround yourself with people who lift you up and believe in you.
  49. Keep your circle of intimate friends very small.
  50. Never show up empty handed when you’ve been invited somewhere.

There you have it- all the mom advice my children have gotten (LOL). Go change the world. Cheers to another 50 years.

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